


Brian Baruch has catalyzed restorative healing for adults and children stricken with cancer, MS, neurological disorders, seizures, chronic depression, heart disease, circulatory disorders, migraines, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, lime-disease, chronic back pain, hip pain, knee pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, joint replacement rehabilitation, sports injuries, addiction, depression, childhood traumas, and many other 
subtly chronic debilitations. His gift for healing can also be channeled to deliver enhanced vitality, creativity, growth, enriched living and achievement. 

Who is #BrianTheHealer?

Brian Baruch is endowed with an extraordinary gift for catalyzing rejuvanative healing of mind, body, and spirit. His technique is rooted in a branch of age-old Israelite mysticism called “Massei Bereishit” which translates to “Works of Creation.” Through the application of this discipline, Brian draws upon 13 holistic healing modalities, branches of what he calls “Tree of Life Healing.”

The art of this healing discipline is impressively subtle, creative and highly abstract; requiring the healer to advance into meta-cognitive states where an acute sensitivity can be maintained to help survey and repair emotional obstructions and corruptive influences. Key benefits of this treatment are that it is both non-invasive and does not interfere with normative Western medical practices. These techniques can also be used pro-actively to help improve an individual’s life trajectory by improving opportunities for success, empowerment and enriched living. Brian has trained healers, therapists and teachers in the art of summoning the subconscious capacity for restorative healing.

To inquire about reserving an appointment click here: